One brutal gang that established itself in the gang-riddled streets of LA is MS-13. MS13 emerged as a result of El Salvador's civil war in the 1970s. Because of this, immigrants fled into the US to escape conflict, only to later on fight a gang war on the streets of LA and back in the … Continue reading MS-13: THE DEADLIEST GANG

The cruelest reality show: Oldboy meets: Squid game/Truman show

Japan is no stranger to weird and cruel gameshows and hidden camera pranks. Many of these pranks would be highly illegal in many countries due to privacy infringements especially surrounding nudity.  But one game show was so cruel and inhumane that it crossed the line into torture. This show was called Susunu! Denpa Shonen . This show was … Continue reading The cruelest reality show: Oldboy meets: Squid game/Truman show

The depraved story of Satanic serial killer Pazuzu Algarad: Video

The horrifying story of Pazuzu Algarad formerly known as John Lawson - the satanist killer from the suburbs.

The Most Disturbing Letter Ever Sent

Albert "The Werewolf of Wysteria" Fish was one of the most despicable examples of humanity ever to enter the earth. Born Hamilton fish he would later change his name to Albert in honour of his dead brother. Later on he would acquire the names 'The Grey Man' 'The Wolf of Wysteria' and 'The Brooklyn Vampire' … Continue reading The Most Disturbing Letter Ever Sent


All chirps but no nest Everything is everything Nothing is nothing Love is a fake fraud That eats the flesh

4 great films about mental health

Joker Joker by Todd Phillips took on the monumental task of re-imagining the Joker after the Oscar-winning portrayal of the character by Heath Ledger. Joaquin Phoenix's masterful performance as the Joker managed to do what Jared Leto could not in winning an Oscar for his comparatively brilliant performance. The film focuses on the many aspects … Continue reading 4 great films about mental health

Nuclear War should have already happened

Since potentially world-ending bombs were invented and deployed to help end the second world war the world has lived in terror ever since. These nuclear bombs with ever-increasing power have the ability to vapourize not only people but entire buildings, towns and cities. Thankfully, although the world has continued to wage war after the … Continue reading Nuclear War should have already happened

Luka Magnotta: Killing For Fame

One of the great tragedies of the modern world is the worship of celebrities for nothing more than being famous. Celebrities are no longer celebrated for being talented, artistic, inventive or intelligent - the fame and recognition of being famous is its own power. Some people will go to any lengths to achieve that power … Continue reading Luka Magnotta: Killing For Fame

Ian Huntley: Maxine Carr: The Soham Murders

Ian Huntley is known as one of the UK's most evil killers. He kidnapped and murdered two innocent ten-year girls who were out to buy sweets from the shop. His partner Maxine Carr, who helped teach the girls at school as a teaching assistant helped cover up the crimes. But, it is unclear just how … Continue reading Ian Huntley: Maxine Carr: The Soham Murders

Moloch: Bohemian Grove and the Elites

Moloch or Molech was an ancient god that was worshipped by sacrificing children. So how did such a vile symbol become enshrined with celebrity and the secret societies of the world's elite? Human sacrifice to appease gods has been a tragic constant throughout early human history. When things turned bad such as during plagues, … Continue reading Moloch: Bohemian Grove and the Elites